Don Bosco Missions Kenya
This is a Catholic Organization founded by Saint John Bosco who dedicated his life exclusively to the young people and, among them, the poorest and the most abandoned. Our Mission is to provide the street children in Kenya with livelihood and skills which...
E’ un'organizzazione cattolica fondata da San Giovanni Bosco che ha dedicato la sua vita esclusivamente ai giovani e, tra questi, ai più poveri e abbandonati. La nostra missione è fornire ai bambini di strada, in Kenya, mezzi di sussistenza e competenze che ...
What We Do...
All over the world, we have vowed to serve God through helping the poor young and
needy children of the world.
Our work revolves around Education, Vocational Training, Evangelizing and Charity basis. (Sponsorship, Rehabilitation and Adoption).

Moses Nyota
“I came to Bosco Boys in 1999, and made it to the University where I studied
Computer Engineering. I am now a Proprietor, actually an Investor.”

Peter Ndung'u
When I came to Bosco Boys, my life turned around, I grew up at Bosco Boys Kuwinda. Before I came
to Bosco Boys I was a Former Street Boy...

Adopt a child
This Sponsorship program under the Missions Office helps the Salesians of Don Bosco to find Sponsorship for the street Children who are under our care at Bosco Boys. ...
Donate Here
MPESA: Pay Bill No. 795893 A/C: DBM
Cheque: Don Bosco Missions Nairobi
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